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Code. Create. Collaborate.


Your Security is Our Priority


Welcome to the "Security" page of Nusantara Code - Code Playground. We take the security of your data and online experience seriously. This page outlines the comprehensive security measures and practices we have in place to protect your information and ensure a safe environment for our users.

Data Encryption

We secure the data you share with us through robust encryption protocols, including HTTPS (SSL/TLS). This ensures that data transmitted between your browser and our servers is protected from eavesdropping and tampering.

Data Storage

Your data is stored in secure data centers with state-of-the-art physical and digital security measures. Access to user data is strictly controlled, and data is stored in compliance with industry best practices.

Access Control

We implement stringent access control policies to limit access to your data. Only authorized personnel with a legitimate need are granted access, and we regularly review and audit access rights to minimize potential risks.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or security-related inquiries, please contact our dedicated security team at [email protected]. For general inquiries, you can reach us at [email protected].

Compliance Certifications

We adhere to the highest security standards and may hold industry-specific certifications, such as ISO 27001, to ensure the utmost protection of your data.


We are committed to transparency in our security practices. In the event of any security incidents, we will promptly inform affected parties and take necessary actions to address the situation.

Our Best Feature

Effortless Code Management

Advanced Debugging

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Intelligent Code Assistance

Seamless Collaboration